Friday, April 1, 2011

Matching Event...

Yesterday the hubby and I attended an adoption matching event.  The matching event is a day of approved prospective adoptive parents and adoption/guardianship workers coming together to find families for children ready for adoption.

Yesterday's event was awesome!  The energy in the room was high and positive.  The children presented by their workers were all adorable and ready to go to their forever homes.  The children presented at these events are typically older, higher special needs, harder to place children.  The parents present are generally ready to accept these children.

My hubby and I were feeling a little discourage by the time we had our lunch break and then we did our introduction.  The parents are all asked (it's not mandatory) to stand up and say a bit about themselves, to the give the workers an idea of who they are and who they might be looking to add to their families.  Hubby and I seemed to do alright with our introduction.  We had the room laughing, while (hopefully) imparting enough information about ourselves to make the workers want to get to know us better and place children with us.

There were a couple of sibling groups that caught our eye and our hearts and we've narrowed it down to one possibility now we wait and see.  The worker of the children we've decided we're interested in learning more about was very excited about us too.  The only thing we don't know at this point is if she was excited about us for this particular sibling group or about other children she has in her care.  We'll see I guess.

So after lunch my spirits lifted and it was due greatly in part to my friend C.  She's also my supervisor and she was so helpful with her comments and encouragement in helping us speak to workers that I don't think I've ever felt quite so positive coming through one of these events.  Thank you C!

I can't wait to hear from our worker today to see if anyone has made inquiries about us.

Keeping our fingers crossed that this is our time.


  1. Hey Kelly,
    I heard it was a great day. Good luck!! I'll be thinking of you and awaiting any updates.

  2. Thank you Diane! I'll keep you posted! :)
