Thursday, October 11, 2012

Not Adoption Related...

Is today's topic.  I just watched a news report on a young lady who just committed suicide because of bullying.  The headline was " questions are being asked..." basically now that she's gone how can we stop bullying.  Why is it ALWAYS AFTER someones child has taken their life?  Why are we not working daily to teach our children to accept everyone and all life circumstances?  Why are we only concerned for a day or two AFTER we hear about someones child killing themselves?  What's wrong with TODAY?

I have a vague spark of an idea but I'm not sure how to fan the flame into a full blown firestorm of action.

See my spark is that we, the parents, or adults in general, have to show up at all the schools in our towns everyday and stop the bullying.  Things only get worse when it's just one child's parent(s) going to the school or the bully's family and trying to effect change.  That bullied child gets bullied worse.  I know, it was me, many moons ago.  But things around this issue haven't changed much.  They've gotten worse.  

We have anti-bully day and then it's over.  We all wear pink for a day.  But what does it really do?  Nothing.  It does absolutely NOTHING!  My child was bullied on anti-bully day 3 years ago.  The bully was wearing pink, but it didn't stop him.  The school staff did, thankfully.  But that bully never truly got punished.

Back to my spark.  How many people would volunteer to show up everyday at a community school until each and every school can state that there is NO BULLYING happening at their school?  Inconvenient?  You betcha, but isn't it better than sitting at a memorial for yet another child?  Isn't it better to figure out who the bully's are and start helping them with their issues on a daily basis?  Figure out who the victim's are and work with them so that the bully's don't have an opening?

I need help to figure this one out.  I, for one, do not want to go to another funeral or memorial service, or celebration of life for one more single young person.  


P.S.  I know there will be someone sitting at their desk thinking that bullying doesn't only happen to young people in school.  That's true, but if we can eradicate it from the schools, we have a higher chance of eradicating it from workplaces too. It's a vicious circle.  Let's break the cycle.


  1. Thank you for saying things on this topic. Anyone involved in the discussion is always good. I don't have any real answers for you. We are dealing with racial bullying in one of my kids classes right now. It is a lot of emotions for everyone. I am grateful that we are able to talk about this so freely now and deal with it so seriously.

    I know that this is far away but on Feb 19 at John Stubbs school in Colwood we have Phil Archer coming to do an anti-bullying talk. Please feel free to come and invite as many as you would like- all are welcome.

  2. Thank you for your reply.

    I will see about getting a group together to come down and attend. Thank you for the invitations.
