Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day....

Today has been a wonderful day.  It's St. Patrick's day.  It's my beautiful cousins birthday and her name happens to be Patty.  Well Patricia to most, but to me she's always been Patty.

Patty is just 4 months older than myself but so much more wise and street smart.  Patty and I are cousins.  Not by birth, but by adoption of sorts.  Our mothers have been friends since they were young girls and Patty and I grew up together, and then drifted apart for many years and then found each other again just this past November.

Patty is here in my hometown now.  She's on her own and figuring out her life.  Patty has had an interesting life.  Many ups and downs, some of which most of us only see movies about.  Here she is back in my life and making things interesting.  My boys love her, and that lets me know that she's OK now.  My boys are very wary of strangers and she is a stranger to them.  But they aren't wary of her at all.  They are head over heels in love with her.  She walks in the door and play time comes alive!  Patty is a well rounded adult who embraces her inner child and gives in to the whimsy she sees in my kids.

So today is Patty's birthday.  We had a lunch time party for her.  I don't think I have ever seen such pure, unadulterated joy on an adults face as I saw on hers.  The pure love and appreciation that she gave us in return for our love in celebrating her birthday can never be out done by anyone.

My Mum and her fiancée, my 2 boys, and myself had a lovely lunch, shared in a wonderful chocolate cake, and sang happy birthday to her.  We had fun.  She enjoyed her cards and her gifts.  But most of all she enjoyed being with us.  Her adopted family.  It was truly a wonderful day.  The greatest gift today was the one I received.  I received the gift of love from my family.  I missed my husband being with us because he had to work, but just being able to provide a day of fun and family for one who is missing her family, was just the best gift anyone could have given me.

The old adage it's better to give than to receive is true, but the joy one receives from giving of oneself just makes it seem like an oxymoron.  I don't think there truly is such a thing as an unselfish act.  When you give of yourself the pure joy you get is the best gift of all.

So look around you; those we call family aren't necessarily those who were born to us.  Most of us have family that are born to us but the people we cherish and love the most are those we choose to have in our lives.  We adopt those 'family' members who aren't born to us.  Blood doesn't make you family, love does.

Who's in your family?


  1. Hi.I'm Patty. Patricia to some, Trish, Pat,Tricia,lol.Different strokes for different folks! People who met me at different stages of my growth, reversion, development, adolescence, sprouting, pouting,, you name it! I've been a lot of places; oh,yes!! Seen and done so many things, most of which I am happy to share. Some of which I selectively share as 'colorful can take new meaning'. Family, immediate, is something that has eluded me these last few years. By my own actions, as well, by characteristic actions and judgement by those I thought nearest and dearest to me. One never knows where tomorrow will take them,until they are riding the day's horse through the pastures of life,and I am certainly no exception, rather I am more that very rule! lol. Kelly,my cousin, and her family, came back into my life,when, believe you me, timing couldn't have been more succinctly precious. I was looking up saying, 'I'm done here, just let me go', when from across the room,...'Family smiled back at me'. And once again, I was blessed with continuance. Not in leaps,but gentle stages of nudging,and hugging, and kind words of love and support. Just what my soul and heart truly needed.
    It's not just some 6 letter word.
    It's everything.
    It's LOVE.
    And I know,without it, giving and getting, I am nothing at all. I wouldn't want to be. And for those who maintain 'blood is thicker than water',I say yes, in it's place. But a slightly more distant love can take that place fill that boot, consume that void. Friends who 'Are family'.
    Loving,because Love Is,.. the only way.
    And that is what Kelly,and those precious children,and Auntie, and the couldn't be present cause he had to work dad..I felt so much joy today. I was pure, and devoid of loneness,longing, uncertainty. I was fully certain. I am,..fully certain.
    And my heart, only to that drummer..
    Thank you so much Kelly and family!
    The boys....xoxoxoxo!
    And being born on such a wonderful day!
    I really do have the luck o' the Irish!!

  2. "Biology is the least of what makes someone a Mother" Oprah Winfrey.

    A family can be made of anyone if you just open the door and accept as if they were already our sisters and brothers.

    You're absolutely right Kelly, blood doesn't make a family, love does! Like I always say, "Bigger the better" we'll always have somebody that way! :)
